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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Keyboard Shortcuts

Hey Penguins!

If you use the standard safe chat, you can use the emotes. But do you know how to do the emotes, or even what they are? Well, for one thing, they're these little smileys. They're those smileys that you can't find by looking under the emote menu. And another thing, you don't actually type it into the little chat bar. You just type it in when you feel like it. Also, one of the emotes comes with quite an unusual sound...

Anyways, here are the emotes.
  • E1- laughing face
  • E2- smiley face
  • E3- straight face
  • E4- frown
  • E5- surprise
  • E6- sticking out face
  • E7- wink
  • E8- green face
  • E9- red angry face
  • E0- sad face
  • EF- flower
  • EG- game
  • EP- puffle
  • EH- heart
  • EM- coin
  • EL- clover
  • EC- coffee cup
  • ES- skull
  • ET- music note***
  • EZ- pizza
  • ED- sun
  • EN- moon
  • Shift+1- Exclamation Point
  • E?- Question Mark
  • H- hello
  • B- good bye
  • O- okay
  • Y- yes
  • N- no
  • W- start to wave
  • D- start to dance
  • T- throw a snowball

I sure hope this will be a help, and tons of fun, because you never know what you could use this for!

Your good pal,


***The music note, which you make by doing ET, has two different advantages! Alongside the cute little music note, it also makes a very funny farting noise. And, you can also make this interesting emote by- instead of ET- doing E~. (Please note that you do not have to use shift to make the ~ sign, so the emote could actually be E`, which is actually a bit more accurate!)

Hope you have a fun time with these dandy smiles! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a question.......

Could you help me find the new pin? I'm really bad at finding them.

-Pin Searcher