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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Baffle Your Buddies Part 4!!!!!!

Hey Penguins!

Here are a few more cheats you can try out. Enjoy!

Time Machine (Kind Of)

Have you wanted to show off to your friends and convince them that your penguin is very old, but in truth your penguin is younger than you'd like? Or would you like to mystify them and make your penguin negative days old? Both are possible! And I'll show you how!*

~First, click the time in the bottom right corner of your screen. (On the start bar- not Club Penguin)this is what should pop up:

~Change the year to whatever you want. Past years will make it negative numbers, and of course future years will add to your age.
~Click the question mark on the chat bar on Club Penguin.
~Your age will have changed!
*Make note that you cannot actually use this to become a secret agent or tour guide.

Puffle-in-the-Water (let's hope it can swim...)
Courtesy of Egaro800 and Jmg11.
You've seen the red puffle surf in Catchin' Waves, but have you ever seen any puffle swim? Technically, it's not swimming, it's sitting on top of water. To do this, go to the Iceberg and stand where I am in the picture.

Anyways, that's about it for that cheat.

Ultimate Jump\
Courtesy of Egaro800 and Jmg11.
When shooting the tube in Catchin' Waves, you'll notice a number by your penguin. If you keep tube-shooting until the number's big(and the wave is almost covering you) then try to jump out of the water, that number will be added to your score. The only problem is... you'll lose a life. But it'll be worth it!


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