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Saturday, March 10, 2007

A New Mission?!?

Hey Penguins!

I have some interesting news... THE NEW SECRET AGENT MISSION! Each week, I will be able to get new and better pictures, so keep your eyes open. What could the newest mission be? So many possibilities... we'll have to wait and see. Here's the first picture:

Yes, we have found yet another picture... it's a very interesting picture. Do you think you have any idea what the mission might be? All we can do is wonder...

Interesting, isn't it? Remember to keep your eyes out for more cool pictures of the upcoming mission! (They'll be in this same entry!)

Yes, there's another image for the secret missions. I bet you're wondering how this is a scene from the new mission. Well, the truth is, it really isn't a new scene. It's the animation before it's animated-in other words, what it looks like before it moves.



Anonymous said...

That picture of the new is just of the town square how can it be of the new mission?

-Agent P

Penguinator said...


That's the same thing I thought the first time I saw the picture. It came off of the blog on Club Penguin, and it's a sketch of part of the mission itself. I don't know much about the mission yet, but obviously we will see that part of town in the mission. If you want more info, take a look at the blog on Club Penguin:


Anonymous said...

how do you take screen shots????

Anonymous said...

How do u take screen shots!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!

Penguinator said...

Hey Curious! (and Anonymous!)

Taking screen shots is easy. Just press PrtSc on your keyboard, which is normally located next to F12. Nothing special should happen, so don't be worried. Next, open up Paint, a blank email(one that you type, not one that you recieve) or Microsoft Powerpoint. On Paint, click Edit, Paste, and on Powerpoint, right click, then paste, and on an email, you right click and paste. Crop the picture and add any changes you may want, and save your picture!

Hope this helps!


Anonymous said...

when r the new missions coming.

Penguinator said...

Hullo Anonymous!

You probably know that there's a new mission this summer. Unfortunately, I don't know any specific dates. But, I CAN tell you that the new mission will be here soon.
