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Monday, October 22, 2007

Hairy New Things!

Hey Penguins

I hope you don't hate me since I haven't gotten on in a while, but to make it up, I'll get on on the weekends since school has gotten in my way. (I have to spend the entire day after school finishing my homework this year)

Anyways, things are getting hairy on CP- in a good way! The Gift Shop has a new collection of wigs just in time for Halloween, and the new pin is a hairbrush! It's located in the Pet Shop right by the Employee's door.

I hope this makes it up to you... I've failed you all...

Your pal, (hopefully...)


Anonymous said...

Those wigs are pretty ugly!!

cpsuperguide said...

I understand, and I'll always be your pal! I've had the same sort of troubles on my website, too. I was wondering why you hadn't been on in so long, and that explains. My suggestion to you is to log on to all of your penguins and make sure they're still there. They might be reaching the two-month point soon, if you haven't been on since the Fall Fair.

Anonymous said...


(no offence CP)