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Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Hey Penguins!

Happy Halloween! (Don't worry, Egaro, my penguins aren't past the two-month point!) Anyways, to kick off the spooky season we have a CP Trick-or-Treat party. Go to the Snow Forts to pick up a trick-or-treat candy bag.

Here are the candy locations:(These are in no particular order)

~Pumpkin Ball- The eye of the skeleton-mullet in the Ski Lodge
~Pink Candy- on the life preserver on the Lighthouse Beacon.
~Candy Bar- Click the scarecrow on the Ski Mountain
~Little Cube Candy(forgot what it's called!)- Click the bowl of candy in the Coffee Shop
~Candy Corn- Check the hole in the tree in the Forest.
~Candy Apple- go to the Night Club. The green puffle will give you a riddle. (The Answer is Happy Halloween!)
~Lollipop- Look through the binoculars at the Cove and wait for the octopus and its wig to swim by. It has the lollipop.
~Inspect the piano in Pizza Shop for the final peice of candy.

To get the Spider Pin, go to the Underground Pool and play around with the spider on the wall. Eventually you should get it!!



Anonymous said...

i can find the lolipop i waited when does it usally come?

Anonymous said...


I HAVE 6 ACCOUNTS!! I dont have time to " play around with the spider" How can i get it faster??

Blubber K said...

Happy Halloween!

Penguinator said...


Sorry, I forgot to mention the lollipop. I guess being busy is no excuse... It was at the fall fair. It'll come around some time in the future, though I don't know exactly when.


Penguinator said...

Hey BusyPenguin--

I know what you mean. I have 6 accounts too... the best thing to do is walk up to the spider when it is on the LEFT side. Walk to it a second after it slides down. But when you walk over to it, click NEXT to the spider. And don't roll your mouse over the spider. I hope that works better for you!


Anonymous said...